Our Values are at the heart of our activities and are designed to give our clients the same experience across all divisions, products and locations.
- Intellectual Integrity: intellectual integrity is our true north and forms the nexus of our Values and Investment Principles. Our intellectual integrity means that EPIC is continually searching for the best talent, ideas and opportunities for our clients. This has allowed EPIC to become a home for people, teams and organisations who both share and help shape its world view.
- Clients First: we place clients first and commit to delivering excellent service and outcomes across all of our activities. We are calm and focused under pressure, balancing long term outcomes with short term needs and seek to deliver on commitments with a sense of urgency.
- Collegiate: our teams are collegiate, with co-operation and collaboration central to our approach. We seek to foster collaboration across our divisions, to unlocking the opportunities of the interconnections across our broad platform.